Lots of people wonder why they should pay a professional when their friend with a camera can do it for free. The answer would be easy for me... because I'm a professional duh! That answer doesn't suffice though, so I am here to show you two reasons as to why you should choose me over your friend with a camera!
One great reason, lots of photos can come out underexposed. This means that the picture is alot darker than it should be. One spot that is usually darker are the whites of the eyes. A professional can come in and lighten up the photo so it looks great! The picture above is a great example of this. The before is SOOC (straight out of camera). Notice how it's underexposed and the eyes are very dark? Take a look at the after. The skin is lightened up and has a bit of glamour glow to it. I also brightened the eyes. The left eye in the before is very dark where the pupil blends in with shadows, in the after you can see the whole pupil. The before picture is a great photo to start with but the after adds the extra sparkle it needs.
The above photos are why I love photography and editing!! I may be a bit partial to the model but anyways on to the editing process. The before picture is SOOC. It's a cute portrait but definitely looks like a snapshot. The eyes are blurry and not that sharp. I look at it like "yep that's a picture." I made sure to sharpen the eyes and the mouth to draw attention directly there when you glance at the photo. I also gave it a vintage-y look. The resulting photo has the wow factor.
As you can see, you can have your friend with a camera take photos like the before shots, but with a professional you get the after photos that leaves you wanting more. Stay tuned for next weeks before and after "Why black and white isn't just black and white!"