Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chip 9 days fresh {Indianapolis Newborn Photographer}

I love everything newborn!

The tiny details:

The way they make you go "awwwwwwe!"

And the soft squishy sleepiness! :)

Congratulations guys!!

He sure is a sweetie and I had a great time meeting him!

--as always do not copy, save, or print, photos are copyright of {ev photography}--

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Emily is ONE!! {Indianapolis Baby Photographer}

I love Love LOOOVE when I get repeat clients!

Watching a little one grow up and getting to capture it is so fun!

I can't believe that is have been another three months since seeing Miss Emily. She has grown so much and changed in those last months. She is even already walking! like holy cow!

We had lots of fun today hanging out eating puffs and walking around, o and snapping a few images too :)

Hope you all enjoy this small sneak peek of Miss Emily and her 1 yr photos...

 I can't decide which one is cuter!! I love the silly lip action on this one!

we had lots and lots of giggles :)

and also a few screams :)

Thanks again Brian and Tricia! You have a beautiful little girl and I have loved capturing her this past year!

--as always do not copy, save, or print, photos are copyright of {ev photography}--

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Morgan! Class of 2012! {Indianapolis Senior Photographer}

Today was the most fun I think I have had in a looong time! Morgan had me laughing so hard at times! She told me she had multiple laughs beforehand but when I asked her about them, she couldn't laugh at all! She made me look like a weirdo and laugh really fake and REALLY loud to get her to laugh!

Morgan is planning on going to IUPUI to study nursing as soon as she graduates. Personally I think she needs to be a CEO the way she rocked her gorgeous dress!

Being with friends and family while watching movies is her go to hang out activity. I asked her what her favorite movie was and she had a hard time deciding! In the end she listed off several different movies and said no westerns and no horror!

thank you so much Morgan for such a fun day! I can't wait to get your images to you!!

Congratulations and good luck on your future!

--as always do not copy, save, or print, photos are copyright of {ev photography}--

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